I thought that I would post my school schedule. I know that a few of you who are new to my blog are interested in my schedule. I know that it is important to do have balance in our lives. I am still working on that. I have the type of personality that can get caught up in just one or two things and let the rest of my life fall by the wayside (friends). Sorry about that you know who you are. Anyways, so here is my schedule because I get crazy about time and staying on track I have decided to not put times by the activity. It has worked better for me. School ends when everything is wiped off of the white board.
5:00 Mom wakes up (This is the only time)
1-Dress and Exercise
2-Make bed, shower, dress
3- Prayer and personal scriptures for me and my two older girls
4- Everyone wakes up and cleans their rooms and gets dressed
5-Chores for kids, mom makes breakfast
6- Eat and clean up breakfast
b)Songs 3
-Learn new song out of Hymn book
-Primary song or any song the kids choose*
8-School time
9- Lunch and clean up
10-Piano for Sugar and everyone else does their reading or do independent work while I read to the little kids.
11-Then Spice does her piano (this is only until I can find a guitar teacher for her then they will do her lessons at the same time as Sugar.)
Sugar does her independent work and then we go back to family learning.
12-Family learning
13-Kids finish any subjects that need to be completed.
14-Free time, Mom reads a few minutes
16-Night time routine
*The kids have their own days. So when it is the child's day they get to lead in the pledge, pick the songs, say the prayer, read first when we do scriptures, etc.
*Family learning- There are a few subjects that we learn together. The reason is because they all have to know it, and if we do it in rotation then all of the kids get it and we can all learn as a group. This is important because it teaches the children how to listen, how to think and express their thoughts, it will help them form their own oppinion and express it as well as ask questions. It lets me know what they are thinking and what they are retaining, it also lets me know if there is something in a subject that a child wants to know more about, as well as gives me the opportunity to explain words that they might not know.
Some of the family learning subjects are
- History (We love The Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer)
- Science (We are useing Exploring Creation by Jeannie K. Fulbright)
- Literature (Our first read alouds are Swiss Family Robinson, Mr. Poppers Penguins, Red Scarf Girl)
- Projects and of corse Field Trips (This Friday we are going to The Voices of Civil War at This is the Place.)
There are a few things that the kids are doing that the schedule wont work for but outside of those few days this is our schedule.
Just so you know not every day looks like this but my goal is to get it so that most of my days look like this. For the school year.We are still in the process of forming habits.
"If you don't aspire toward greatness, you cannot achieve greatness."
Chalene Johnson
Easy Chocolate Protein Mousse
13 hours ago