Hi all I just felt like writing tonight so we shall see what I can come up with. I think alot about what I need to do to better prepare myself for things to come. I do really well about reading my B.O.M. every night and I pray but they could use some fine tuning. The scripture that I keep thinking about is D&C 109:8 "Organize yourselves;" (that right there is a challange with 5 kids)"prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer,a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory a house of order, a house of God"
I want to put that on my wall with the top saying family goal. I think that would be awsome. Maybe if I see it everyday I would be more motivated to "just do it."
Growing up I used to think that my kids would just pitch in and help me around with what ever needed to get done. I dont really know why I thought that we would pitch in when needed but some more than others would complain alot. Needless to say I have some that complain more than others and some that just flat out refuse. I wont go on but my thought in telling you this is that it makes it harder to have a house of order when you are the main one doing it. FAMILY goal!
Anywho, I had a great day today. I helped my son get some money for his school, babysat my two way to cute nephews, went to play group, did some cleaning (even though you cant really see that) served a family in need, went and did some shopping (no easy task), made Steve dinner to take to work (I have been bad because he works nights), went to a friends house for a while then came home and put the kids to bed (no easy task most of the time) and got in an hour of exercise. All the while stopping every few hours to feed Shenna. Now I am looking at the house thinking what a mess and, I think Ill put in a load of laundry and go get ready for bed. Well, I didnt really know what to write about anyways, so here you go, my jibber jabber.
Night Emily Bryar