For one of my groups that I go to we are getting organized and we read this book called the Creation Plan. It is really good and I am really excited to start it and to see how it goes. So I wanted to share.
Monday Matter was organized.
So Mondays are for organizing and straightening the house, empty the garbage's, shake rugs, and wipe off curtains. Deep cleaning.
So where to start? Well she suggests dusting, vacuuming and sweeping (These have to be done everyday in my house), wash floors, counters, sinks, toilets, tubs.
Do the cleaning in order so that if company comes your house even though it isn't perfect yet they don't know that. : ) A house that is tidy is easier to deep clean.
She says to one step at a time not one room at a time because it will go faster. : ) Once the must Doe's are done move on to the Monthly Project. Every Monday- Friday will have a different project. Here is what hers looks like which I am going to copy.
First Monday of the month. Clean ledges, windowsills,baseboards
Second Monday Sofas, mirrors, pictures, lamps. Mine is a little different
Third Monday Wax or wash floors and walls
Forth Monday Wash windows
Fifth Monday Straighten drawers and closets.
Make sure to involve your children so that they can learn the important skills of how to clean and organize. It will take a little longer but you are teaching and training your children. I have a friend who's mother did every thing thinking and when she moved out she had to learn as an adult how to do her laundry. It really hurt her. So get over the time issue and get the kids involved and don't be afraid to show them what you expect and then if it is not done right have them do it again. The other day we were cleaning the living room and the kids said that they were done so I had them go outside and knock at the door. I opened it and asked them if they thought the house looked clean or dirty and then they could see what a guest would see if they come in. They had no complaints about doing a better job because they saw it through the eyes of a guest. It was a great teaching exercise. : )
Second day, Tuesday.
Water was gathered. This is laundry day. Washing, ironing, mending. So get some needles and tread. This was a good idea for me because my laundry room is REALLY small. Have two laundry baskets in the kids closets. One for colors and one for whites so when wash day comes they are ready to go. Also it keeps the laundry room clean. The rooms will also be clean because the clothes will be in their hampers in the closets. : ) I am going to do this. : ) When your laundry is being washed set the buzzer and listen for it. Then you can work on cross stitch, quilting, knitting, any thing that you want to do or learn when it comes to sewing. Also involve your children. I am so excited I have a lady in our ward that is willing to teach me and the girls how to knit I just have to get the stuff and go over there. I am so excited because I want my kids to know how to create things and build skills that could come in handy when hard times come. Also no one ever looks at something that is homemade and thinks what a wast of time. Or what an ugly thing that is. When something is done well homemade people are in awe or should be. These are skills that I want my kids to learn, and learn well. It also takes patience and discipline. Also great skills. : ) Don't forget your monthly chore here as well.
1th set out dry cleaning to be dropped off on Friday.
2nd strip bedding and clean sheets and pillow cases
3rd wash through rugs. I don't have these so I am going to rent a rug dr. and do a room or two ever month.
4th wash curtains. I don't have many of these but I will wipe down my blinds this day.
Fifth day Wednesday.
Light from dark
This is where we organize our time, plan meals, lessons, projects, etc. Also the day that we enlighten ourselves. Reading, studying, visit others, serve others, create or do hobby. : ) I am going to love this day because I always feel like I should be doing something with my scrapbook stuff but never do because where do I have time with home school, cleaning, errands, cooking, Church callings, and ever thing else that I do. So I am very excited. : )
The reason for having a day devoted to planning is because "Basic planning defines and brings order to what might otherwise be and overwhelming onslaught to the mind and spirit."
Sounds like a great idea to have a plan day. : )
Ok so what to plan? Here are some ideas,
1. Household: Finances, clothing, menus, food storage, gardening, home improvement, school lessons,
2. Service to others: Do your visit teaching, visit the sick, lonely, widows, etc
3. Personal planning: Set goals for yourself. To grow and learn
4. Creative pursuits: Journal writing, scrapbook and card making, reading, writing, practice music lessons( should be done everyday really but if life got away from you at least do it on this day.) painting, arts and crafts, dancing, etc.
1st house hold
2nd service
3rd personal planning
4th creative activities.
I rearranged some of these. To fit my schedule
Forth day Wednesday
This is the day for yard work and other activities some in the house.
Yard work, gardening, taking care of house plants, cleaning out the car and washing it. Thursdays are also good for home beautification.
Thursdays like Mondays run smoother if things are organized and tidy. To dust outside you must use a hose. Spray down the driveway, house, plants and what not. Pick up yard, water plants and plant plants. Any thing that involves the outside. The car is outside so this is a good day to clean it out. I am so glad to have a day set aside to do this because with everything that I feel I must do I don't get to the car enough and with 5 kids it gets REALLY dirty till I just take the time. Now I don't have to take the time I have a day set to do it. : ) Thursdays also are to beautify the inside so make sure that you do so. Water your plants, so the painting that needs to get done. Rearrange if you want to. Make your house a home on this day.: )
1st plant/sow, in winter we will water plants and do home making skills Baking, painting, picture framing, anything that makes the house a home.
2nd pest control, we will do this all year in our basement clean out the corners and the cobwebs for the whole house.
3rd fertilize
4th general plant care.
We have spent HUNDREDS of dollars in our trees and with my schedule I cant seem to find the time to go and water them so some of them have died and we have waisted a lot of money which is really irritating. I hate waisting money. So this is a good one for me. : )
Fifth day Friday
Animals are created
No more horse and buggy but this is the day for all of our errands. Shopping, and errands. Trips to the library, go to the park with kids and have a picnic. Anything that has to do with being out. Fridays are our field trip days for school. I want to make ever Friday a trip day. I am not there yet but with Wednesday schedule day I will be organized enough to do that. I am so excited. Anyways, yes any thing that has to do with being out and away from the house. Shopping, dropping off dry cleaning, DI or donations, library, ect.
Also don't forget if you do have pets this is the day that they get bathed, combed, new water or a little fresh water for fish, all that fun stuff.
If you ferment your flour for home made bread tonight is a great night to do that before you go to bed.
1st Send out all the cards for birthdays that month. It is ok if it is early at least you got it done. : )2nd purchase fertilizer
3rd Purchase food storage items
4th purchase plants and seeds gifts and cards unless making them. For upcoming month.
Sixth day Man was placed on earth
This is your day!!!! : ) This is the day where you would take the morning to catch up. Then go and spend time with the family!!! Go and create memories and build relationships. : )
Seventh day Sunday
"And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made" Genesis 2:3
" Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy."Exodus 20:8
This day is not only for us but for the Lord. It is a time for renewal and service to the Lord.
Must do's for sabbath.
Attend church, pay offerings, worshiping in song, prayer and scripture study. For some reason I also have to rest or nap. I don't really know why I have to do that. I am glad that it is a day of rest. : ) Here are some ideas from her that I liked.
Have a box for the kids with the following items
*Activity bottle. (Will explain after this list.)
*Tithing bank
*Construction paper
*Children's magazines (The friend is a good one)
* Paper bags to create puppets
*Egg cartons
*Crayon, Pencils, tamp, scissors, glue, paper
*Children's song book, and story books.
*Pictures, Diaries, Journals, stickers, Stapler
*flannel board stories
Now for the Activity Bottle. I love this idea. My oldest all day yesterday kept saying that she was bored and I wish that I would have had this then. Oh will next Sunday I will be read because on Wednesday this will be put together. : )
Children's bottle
Make a centerpiece for the table
Work on your life story or journal
Draw a picture of three of your blessings.
make paper bag puppet of a religious character
Call your grandparents to tell them of your love for them
Write a letter to a loved one.
Read then act out a parable from the scriptures.
Go for a walk
read a story from a children's magazine or book
Do a secret good deed for someone
Learn about an ancestor and fill out a genealogy sheet.
Adults Bottle
Write a letter to loved one or missionary or serviceman
Write in journal
Read 3 parables
Read a good church book
Visit sick, elderly, or lonely
Read scriptures- ponder and pray
Go for a walk
Spend half an hour meditating and setting goals
Read a story to kids
Read church magazine
Listen to good music and relax
Write your own good music or play and instrument (I added this one)
Spend half an hour pondering how you would act in the presence of the Lord
So a secret good deed.
Big Family Food and Fun: February 9-15, 2025
6 days ago
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